The Games

Jettison King & Jettison Team are games that simplify the different Insurance Principles in a fun and competitive way. Being the only accredited games, these unique educational tools are key to the insurance industry as well as the general public.


1. One player to read the manual aloud.
2. At the beginning of the game, 1 player is selected to be in charge of the Policies and Money.
Tip: the first player out of the game will take over thereafter.
3. Each player selects and uses own colour token.
4. Players take turns to throw dice.
5. Player will land on the Starting Home with the number of crowns corresponding to
the number of their first throw.
6. Player will collect the cash amount equivalent to the number thrown multiplied by
7. The player with the highest throw will move first and thereafter the game will be
played in a clockwise direction.
8. Players to start counting from the Starting Home onto the Block underneath their
Starting Home.
9. Players may purchase policies only when it is their turn to throw the dice.
Tip: Buy Policies for the damages/dangers you are exposed to on the blocks close to you.
10. A player has an option to proceed with the game or advance to end the game as they pass through Block 36.

Game History

The game was designed by a published Author. The original idea was to write a summarized version of a book on insurance, a book that explains the insurance discipline to the layman. However, there was simply no way that could be achieved in an atmosphere that is both fun and educative, hence the idea of a game. A long time passed from the time of the first concept until the final game. Eventually, the game was designed and after lots of trials and testing, the game is finally here: extremely competitive and highly educative.


The games are both accredited for CPD by the Insurance Institute of South Africa.